
aaaaah, indecision. would henlo be better?

picrew image, big round glasses
  • Vin/Vinnie/Warhead

  • 25, dec. 5th

  • queer as hell, its complicated

  • you know that post thats like, my relationship w/gender is like wearing a red shirt at target? I don't work here but I'm happy to help you? yeah. that.

okay, so I'm a pretty open book, If you're curious, feel free to ask!

  • if i'm doing, or have done, something that makes you upset or uncomfortable, please let me know, I don't want to cause people undue stress or worry, and if there's an easy fix I'll do what I can. I won't make any promises, but if its reasonable I'll do what I can.

  • look, im gunna get harsh here for a sec, if you don't agree with blm, lgbtqia+, and just general human rights, equality and justice, i think you should probably move along bc i do, and i will not budge.

  • i'm curious to the point of nosey ness, and am totes open to hearing about a thing you like or are frustrated by, even if I have little to no context!

  • if you wanna know more about fandom's i'm in, ask away! but a couple months ago i got back into homestuck, its taken over the content I consume, and its the only one I'm actively reading fic for right now.

fun carfax about me and w/e!

  • canceled by @originalhades for likeing potato salad and mcds filet o fish. heed his warning I'm a true criminal.

  • everyone except my /mother/ spelled my legal name wrong for the first near 15 years of my life, and I'm only a little bitter about how long it took her to switch over

  • ive had strangers say "oh that explains a lot" when I mention that my step mother is seventh day adventist

  • I'm not particularly religious, but I don't super care if someone one else if! y'all do what makes you happy!

  • apparently I had several grand mal seizures as a kid, but the only one I remember is just the memory of the trip to the hospital after I believe the first one

  • if you treat me like a friend, ill treat you like a friend!

  • I just asked my qps what a fun fact about me is, and the response was a panicked blank and that I have hair. this just in, more at 11!

  • psst! if you think I should add anything, let me know!